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Morton's Neuroma Treatment Overview

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First steps to consider

  • You can often treat Morton’s neuroma at home.
  • It’s important to take pressure off of the ball of your foot so the nerve can heal. This can be done with orthotics, and by wearing cushy soles and not wearing heels.
  • Taking OTC pain relievers and icing your foot may also help.
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When you may need a provider

  • Your symptoms last for a couple of weeks and do not improve with home treatment.
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When to see a healthcare provider

If symptoms like burning, tingling, and numbness in your toes or the ball of the foot don’t go away after a couple of weeks, you may want to see a healthcare provider. You can start with your primary care provider but you may be referred to an orthopedist or podiatrist.

Getting diagnosed

Your provider will diagnose you based on a physical exam. But the provider may want to do X-rays, ultrasound, or an MRI to confirm the diagnosis or check for a bone fracture.

What to expect from your doctor visit

  • Your healthcare provider will likely recommend that first you try to treat it yourself by doing things like staying off your feet, taking OTC pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve), and using orthotic inserts.
  • Changing your footwear is also recommended because certain types of shoes, like high heels and shoes with a tight toe box, put extra pressure on your toes and the ball of your foot.
  • You may be given steroid injections into the neuroma to reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling.
  • If your symptoms do not improve, surgery may be needed. The surgeon will either remove the affected part of the nerve or release tissue around the nerve.

Types of Morton’s neuroma providers

  • A primary care provider can treat mild to moderate symptoms.
  • You may be referred to an orthopedic surgeon or podiatrist (foot specialist) if your symptoms are severe or don’t improve.
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