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Iliopsoas Bursitis Treatment Overview

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First steps to consider

  • Mild symptoms can be treated at home.
  • OTC pain relievers and heat and ice therapy can help pain and inflammation.
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When you may need a provider

  • Symptoms are moderate to severe.
  • You have mild symptoms that don’t improve after 3–4 weeks of home care.
  • You develop symptoms of an infection in the bursa, such as joint pain, fever, and chills.
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When to see a healthcare provider

You should consider seeing a healthcare provider for your iliopsoas bursitis if your hip pain doesn't improve or gets worse after 3–4 weeks of home care. Also see a provider if your symptoms cause moderate to severe pain or are affecting your daily life.

You may need to take prescription medication, do physical therapy, or receive a corticosteroid injection. Always see your doctor if you think the bursa sac may be infected because the infection needs to be treated with antibiotics. Signs of infection include joint pain, chills, red skin that is warm, and feeling ill.

Getting diagnosed for iliopsoas bursitis

Iliopsoas bursitis is diagnosed based on your symptoms and an examination, which may include putting stress on the bursa.

Because iliopsoas bursitis mimics other conditions like tendonitis, your doctor may order imaging tests to check for these conditions. These tests may include X-rays, MRI, hip ultrasound, and a bone scan.

What to expect from your doctor visit

If OTC medications aren’t helping or you have stomach issues that prevent you from taking ibuprofen, your doctor may prescribe medications.

  • Prescription anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) can help pain and inflammation. They’re available in both oral and topical forms.
  • You may be given oral steroids if you can’t take NSAIDs.
  • If the bursa sac is infected, you’ll need antibiotics to treat the infection.
  • For severe inflammation and pain, you may need a corticosteroid injection. Sometimes, the pain eventually comes back.
  • Iliopsoas bursitis physical therapy may be recommended to strengthen, stretch, and improve flexibility in the muscles that support your hip. You may also learn how to adjust your movements to put less strain on the hip joint.

Prescription iliopsoas medications

  • Oral anti-inflammatory medications: celecoxib (Celebrex), cephalexin (Keflex)
  • Antibiotics
  • Injectable corticosteroids: cortisone, methylprednisolone (Orapred)

Types of providers who treat iliopsoas bursitis

  • A primary care provider can treat mild to moderate symptoms.
  • An orthopedist, who specializes in the bones and joints, may be recommended for more severe cases of iliopsoas bursitis.
  • If the condition was caused by a sports injury, consider seeing a sports medicine physician. This type of doctor focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and athletic injuries.
  • A physical therapist can develop a personalized physical therapy treatment plan to strengthen and stretch the muscles that support your hip joint.
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