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Support for parents of children with disabilities

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Care Plan


First steps to consider

  • Asking friends and family for help can give you time to relax, take care of your physical and mental health, and connect with your partner.
  • Finding ways to meet other parents of children with a disability can help you feel less isolated and frustrated.
See home treatments

When you may need a provider

  • If you’re dealing with extreme stress, serious relationship problems, symptoms of depression or anxiety, or are struggling to accept your child’s disability, consider seeing a mental health provider.
  • A couples therapist can help you and your spouse identify and work through challenges.
  • Other professional supports include home health care, respite care, and working with a special education advocate.
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When you may need a care provider

Parents of a child with a disability often need a range of professional help to cope with some of the challenges they face, from education advocates to mental health professionals to couples counselors.

Types of care you may need

  • Seeing a therapist. A therapist can help you come up with strategies for managing stressors and finding ways to take care of yourself. They can also help you process what you’re experiencing and discuss specific challenges and issues.
  • Seeing a couples counselor or family therapist. Parents of children with a disability face additional challenges, and it’s not unusual for a relationship to be affected. Couples counseling can help you negotiate some of the challenges and improve your communication.
  • Talking with a social worker. They can refer you to resources and services to handle some of your responsibilities. They may also know about government benefits and sources of financial support you may not have found.
  • Medication. If you’re dealing with depression or anxiety, your healthcare provider may recommend antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication, or you may be referred to a psychiatrist.
  • Work with a special education advocate. They are trained to help parents understand special education policies and practices.

Types of providers

  • A primary care provider can evaluate your mental health and may prescribe medication if you have depression or anxiety.
  • A therapist provides talk therapy, which can help you identify challenges and gain insight into your emotions.
  • A social worker can also offer emotional support and recommend resources and services for parents of disabled children.
  • A couples counselor can help you and your partner communicate better and find ways to nurture the relationship.
  • A psychiatrist can prescribe medication like antidepressants.
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