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6 Benefits of Custom Eye Contacts for Precision & Comfort

Written by Andrew Le, MD

UpdatedMay 29, 2024

Studies estimate that there are 140 million people who use contact lenses worldwide. People with vision problems wear contact lenses daily. However, when used for a long time, standard contact lenses can cause discomfort, such as itching, redness, excessive watering, sensitivity to light, and a sensation of something stuck to the eye.

Thankfully, custom eye contacts are now available on the market. Custom eye contact lenses give a better experience compared to generic contact lenses. Custom eye contact lenses are tailored according to the eye size of the wearer, providing more suitable and comfortable wear.

This article will discuss the top 6 advantages of custom eye contact lenses and how they will benefit the wearer and improve their quality of life.

The Role of Contact Lenses in People with Vision Problems

Contact Lenses are thin, transparent disks that sit on the tear film that covers the cornea; they act like eyeglasses, improving the wearer's vision. Contact lenses provide a better experience than glasses due to their convenience.

Contact lenses allow people with poor vision to have a more natural view without any visual obstruction or reduction in their field of vision. Maintaining cleanliness is easy, and they allow free movement without worrying about the lenses falling off.

Common Types of Contact Lenses

There are a lot of types of contact lenses. Every pair is ready to be used according. Every pair is ready to be used according to individual needs, whether it is to help with vision problems, change eye color, or even fix the curvature of the eye (as prescribed by an ophthalmologist).

Below is a list of the common types of contact lenses:

Soft Contact Lenses

Soft lenses are soft and flexible, allowing oxygen to pass through to the cornea, which is the transparent layer that forms the front of the eye. It is the most common type of lens prescribed by ophthalmologists. Of all the contact lenses in the US, 85% are soft.

Reusable contact lenses are a type of soft contact lens designed to be worn during the day and removed at night before sleep. They require night maintenance to remain clean and sterile and to avoid eye infections.

Lens replacement schedules vary and can be daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. A 2020 study found that among contact lens replacement schedules worldwide, 47% were daily, 35% monthly, 16% every 1-2 weeks, 1% every 3-6 months, and 1% annually.

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses, also known as hard contact lenses, are more durable. In the US, less than 25% of the 15 to 19 million contact lens wearers use rigid contacts. Compared to soft contact lenses, they tend to last longer and are not prone to ripping or tearing. Individuals may need some time adjusting to rigid gas-permeable lenses.

Extended Contact Lenses

Unlike daily-wear contact lenses, extended contact lenses are for overnight wear. This means they can be worn while sleeping. They are usually soft contact lenses, although some rigid lenses are approved for overnight wear, too. Some people with irregularly shaped corneas may benefit from specialized lenses to help reshape the cornea, although this is not an option for all.

A found that extended-wear contact lenses carry 10 to 15 times higher infection risk than reusable ones. Therefore, cleaning contacts regularly, even if designed for prolonged use, is crucial to maintaining eye health.

SofLens Daily Disposable

Soft Contact Lenses

Soft lenses are soft and flexible, allowing oxygen to pass through to the cornea, which is the transparent layer that forms the front of the eye. It is the most common type of lens prescribed by ophthalmologists. Of all the contact lenses in the US, 85% are soft.

Reusable contact lenses are a type of soft contact lens designed to be worn during the day and removed at night before sleep. They require night maintenance to remain clean and sterile and to avoid eye infections.

Lens replacement schedules vary and can be daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. A 2020 study found that among contact lens replacement schedules worldwide, 47% were daily, 35% monthly, 16% every 1-2 weeks, 1% every 3-6 months, and 1% annually.

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses, also known as hard contact lenses, are more durable. In the US, less than 25% of the 15 to 19 million contact lens wearers use rigid contacts. Compared to soft contact lenses, they tend to last longer and are not prone to ripping or tearing. Individuals may need some time adjusting to rigid gas-permeable lenses.

Extended Contact Lenses

Unlike daily-wear contact lenses, extended contact lenses are for overnight wear. This means they can be worn while sleeping. They are usually soft contact lenses, although some rigid lenses are approved for overnight wear, too. Some people with irregularly shaped corneas may benefit from specialized lenses to help reshape the cornea, although this is not an option for all.

A found that extended-wear contact lenses carry 10 to 15 times higher infection risk than reusable ones. Therefore, cleaning contacts regularly, even if designed for prolonged use, is crucial to maintaining eye health.

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) Contact Lenses

Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses, also known as hard contact lenses, are more durable. In the US, less than 25% of the 15 to 19 million contact lens wearers use rigid contacts. Compared to soft contact lenses, they tend to last longer and are not prone to ripping or tearing. Individuals may need some time adjusting to rigid gas-permeable lenses.

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Extended Contact Lenses

Unlike daily-wear contact lenses, extended contact lenses are for overnight wear. This means they can be worn while sleeping. They are usually soft contact lenses, although some rigid lenses are approved for overnight wear, too. Some people with irregularly shaped corneas may benefit from specialized lenses to help reshape the cornea, although this is not an option for all.

A found that extended-wear contact lenses carry 10 to 15 times higher infection risk than reusable ones. Therefore, cleaning contacts regularly, even if designed for prolonged use, is crucial to maintaining eye health.

Top 6 Advantages of Custom Eye Contact Lenses

Wearing standard contact lenses can be more uncomfortable than wearing custom contact lenses. Fortunately, custom eye contact lenses fill the gaps that generic contact lenses can’t provide. The top six advantages of custom contact lenses include:

1. Precision in Vision Correction

The primary reason individuals get contact lenses is to correct and improve their vision. Custom eye contact lenses can help better with vision problems such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism, wherein the first two affect 2.2 billion people, according to WHO.

Custom contact lenses are designed to fit an individual's unique eye curvature and diameter. This tailored fit ensures a more accurate vision correction than standard lenses based on average eye shapes and sizes.

In addition, custom eye contact lenses can also help avoid eye conditions that can be caused by poorly fitted lenses, such as irritation, corneal edema, corneal distortion, microbial keratitis, and conjunctivitis.

2. Enhanced Comfort for Prolonged Wear

A primary complaint when wearing contact lenses, is discomfort. According to a study, one-third to one-half of wearers express discomfort from wearing standard contact lenses. Fortunately, custom contact lenses help improve comfort and reduce the risk of complications associated with contact lens use.

The more comfortable the contact lenses are, the longer they can be worn. Because custom contact lenses are individually fitted, they provide comfort that is superior to a standard contact lens. Though some may attempt to wear an ill-fitted contact lens, this will likely result in poor compliance and potential complications.

3. Reduced Dryness and Irritation

Custom eye contact lenses are flexible. They can be tailored in either material or size to fit the shape of the eye and bring comfort. This customization helps prevent the edges of contact lenses from rubbing the eye, so the eyes will not feel irritated or dry and also prevents unusual watering of the eyes. Dry eyes are very common for people wearing contact lenses and occur in about 50% of contact lens wearers.

Aside from fit, contact lens material is also an important component in lowering the risk of eye irritation. Hydrogel is a great example of a material used in many custom contact lenses. Hydrogel has excellent oxygen permeability, which allows oxygen to reach the cornea, reducing the risk of complications and increasing the comfort of use. Hydrogels can also help maintain moisture in the eye allowing for extended contact lens use without discomfort.

However, although custom eye contact lenses allow individuals to wear them for prolonged periods, wearing them beyond the prescribed schedule given by the ophthalmologist is not encouraged. Even the best-fitting contacts can lead to dry eyes and irritation if worn beyond the recommended duration.

4. Personalized Design for Lifestyle Needs

The capabilities of custom eye contact lenses extend beyond simple vision correction. Contact lenses have the potential to significantly change the quality of life of various groups in many ways. According to a study, 90% of contact lens wearers agree that the impact of contact lenses has allowed them to be more flexible and has improved their quality of life.

Below are various groups and how custom contact lenses impact their lifestyle:

  • Students: Studying for hours can strain the eyes. Luckily, custom contact lenses are designed for specific tasks like reading or computer work that can reduce stress and fatigue, resulting in better concentration and retention.
  • Workers: Custom contact lenses can also be used in different work environments. They can help with increasing efficiency and productivity in the workplace and boost self-confidence.
  • Models and Athletes: Custom contact lenses help athletes and models maintain their natural appearance and allow them to move while competing, doing photoshoots, conducting interviews, and showcasing their natural looks.

5. Compatibility with Challenging Contact Lens Prescriptions

Custom contact lenses provide greater personalized precision for those with vision problems. They not only correct common eye problems but are also effective in managing more complex conditions. This was demonstrated in this small investigational study, where individuals who previously had difficulty wearing standard contacts due to poor fit, were shown to have significantly better visual acuity and higher comfort levels wearing soft custom-fit lenses.

Complex conditions that custom eye contact lenses can help include those with presbyopia and astigmatism, unusually steep or flat corneas, extreme vision prescriptions (high refractive errors), and irregularly sized corneas.

Toric lenses are another type of custom eye contact lenses designed for individuals with astigmatism, a condition in which the eye's cornea or lens is irregularly shaped, causing blurred vision. Toric lenses are made with different strengths across different parts of the lens. This design specifically corrects the irregular shape seen in astigmatism, resulting in clearer and sharper vision.

6. Long-Term Cost-Efficiency

Though custom contact lenses are more expensive than standard ones, they can be more cost-effective in the long run if they help prevent serious eye problems, potentially reducing the need for eye surgeries and frequent purchases of eye drops.

Additionally, they eliminate the need for multiple eyeglasses and frequent lens replacement due to damage. Over time, these savings and the benefits of better vision and comfort make custom lenses a financially wise choice, particularly for those with specific eye conditions.

How To Clean Contact Lenses

Cleanliness is a must for contact lenses. With prolonged use, contact lenses collect small dirt and debris that can contribute to the development of eye problems. To avoid this, contact lenses should be cleansed after use.

Here are a few simple steps on how to clean your contact lenses.

Step 1: Wash your hands properly

Begin by washing your hands and drying them properly before cleaning your contact lenses. This is to avoid contaminating your contact lenses, which can lead to eye infections caused by bacteria and germs from your hands.

Step 2: Replace the solution in your lens case

Replace the used lens solution inside your contact lens case with a newer solution. This is to avoid bacterial growth in the case and to keep your contact lenses sterile.

Step 3: Remove the lenses

Remove the contact lenses from your eyes with your clean and dry hands by squeezing them carefully.

Step 4: Rinse the lenses with the solution

After removing the contact lenses from your eyes, place the lens on the palm of your hand and apply a few drops of solution, then rub it gently with your fingertips. This is to remove the dirt and debris from the contact lens. Then, repeat the process with the other lens.

Step 5: Submerge the lenses

After cleaning your contact lenses with the solution, put them inside the case and allow them to sink. Allow your contact lenses to be submerged overnight.

Step 6: Repeat the process daily

Repeat the process daily. Never reuse the solution in your case. You must always replace the solution every day to avoid eye infections.

Remember always to take care of your contact lenses. Build a habit of cleaning them every night to prevent them from collecting germs and bacteria.

Final Thoughts

The benefits, such as comfort and vision correction offered by custom contact lenses, significantly enhance the quality of life for their users. These lenses effectively address common and complex vision problems while providing comfort and safety.

Their ability to reduce the risk of eye infections further shows their value. Aside from their ability to help with eye conditions, they are also potentially cost-effective in the long run.

It is important to note that you should consult properly with an eye specialist to get the best eye contact customization for your needs.

FAQs for Custom Eye Contacts

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Will wearing custom eye contact lenses worsen my eyes?

No. The belief that custom contact lenses deteriorate vision is a misconception. Custom contact lenses correct visual impairments, they do not contribute to worsening eyesight.

Is it okay to wear custom contact lenses even if I have good eyesight?

Yes, it's perfectly fine. Custom contact lenses without prescription strength are available, for those with good eyesight. These lenses can offer added benefits like UV protection, serving as a protective measure for your eyes without affecting your natural vision.

Can I swim with my custom contact lenses without wearing goggles?

Swimming with contact lenses without goggles is not advisable. Pool water contains chlorine and other bacteria that can adhere to your lenses, potentially leading to eye irritation or severe infections. Goggles create a protective barrier, keeping your eyes and lenses safe.