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Top 8 Best Books for Anxiety

UpdatedMay 29, 2024

Anxiety can be a debilitating condition that affects millions of people around the world. While there are many ways to manage anxiety, such as therapy and medication, reading can also be a helpful tool. There are countless books on the market that offer advice, techniques, and personal stories to help those struggling with anxiety.

When it comes to choosing the best books for anxiety, it's important to consider the type of book that will be most helpful. Some books focus on cognitive-behavioral techniques, while others offer personal stories and insights. Additionally, it's important to consider the credentials of the author and any scientific research that supports the book's claims.

One critical factor to consider when choosing a book on anxiety is the approach the author takes. Some books may offer a "quick fix" or promise to cure anxiety in a short amount of time, while others take a more realistic and long-term approach. It's important to choose a book that aligns with your personal beliefs and goals for managing anxiety.

After researching and reading numerous books on anxiety, we have identified the top picks that offer practical advice and insights for managing anxiety.

Top 3 Best Books for Anxiety

  1. Rewire Your Anxious Brain
  2. Unwinding Anxiety
  3. Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief

As someone who has personally struggled with anxiety, we understand how overwhelming it can feel at times. While therapy and medication can be helpful tools, we also believe in the power of self-help books to provide guidance and support. That's why we've compiled a list of the best books for anxiety that have helped us and countless others on our journey towards managing and overcoming anxiety. From practical tips to personal stories, these books offer a range of perspectives and strategies to help you navigate anxiety in a healthy and empowering way.

Rewire Your Anxious Brain

Editor's Choice
If you're seeking a comprehensive guide to understanding and managing anxiety, "Rewire Your Anxious Brain" by Catherine M. Pittman and Elizabeth M. Karle is highly recommended. It provides detailed neuroscience explanations and practical techniques for anxiety and panic attacks. The book is well-organized, but some readers may find the material too technical. The narrator excels in conveying the material. Overall, it's a valuable resource for those aiming to understand and cope with anxiety.

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If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to understanding and managing anxiety, then we highly recommend Rewire Your Anxious Brain.


  • Provides a detailed explanation of the neuroscience behind anxiety
  • Offers practical techniques to help manage anxiety and panic attacks
  • Narrator does an excellent job of conveying the material


  • Some readers may find the material too technical or dense
  • The book focuses primarily on anxiety caused by fear and may not be as helpful for other types of anxiety
  • The techniques may require significant effort and practice to implement effectively

In Rewire Your Anxious Brain, authors Catherine M. Pittman and Elizabeth M. Karle provide a thorough explanation of the neuroscience behind anxiety and offer practical techniques for managing anxiety and panic attacks. The book is well-organized and easy to follow, making it a great resource for anyone looking to better understand and manage their anxiety.

The authors begin by explaining the brain's fear response and how it can lead to anxiety. They then provide a detailed explanation of the neuroscience behind anxiety and offer practical techniques for managing anxiety and panic attacks. The techniques include mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, and exposure therapy, among others.

One of the strengths of this book is the way the authors balance the technical information with practical advice. They provide clear explanations of the neuroscience behind anxiety, but they also offer concrete techniques for managing anxiety that readers can implement in their daily lives.

Overall, we highly recommend Rewire Your Anxious Brain for anyone looking to better understand and manage their anxiety. The book provides a comprehensive guide to the neuroscience behind anxiety and offers practical techniques for managing anxiety and panic attacks.

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We highly recommend purchasing Unwinding Anxiety, as it provides valuable insights into the science behind anxiety and practical methods to overcome it.


  • Based on neuroscience research
  • Provides practical tools to overcome anxiety
  • Narrated by the author, Judson Brewer


  • Some readers may find the content too technical
  • May require multiple listens to fully understand the concepts
  • Not a substitute for professional medical advice

Unwinding Anxiety delves into the science behind anxiety and provides practical methods to break the cycles of worry and fear. The book is narrated by the author, Judson Brewer, who is a renowned neuroscientist and psychiatrist. His narration style is engaging and easy to follow, making it an excellent audiobook for those who prefer to listen rather than read.

The book explains how anxiety loops are created by our minds and provides a series of awareness and mindfulness practices to help break these cycles. The author also shares his personal experiences with anxiety and how he overcame it using the methods outlined in the book.

Unwinding Anxiety is based on neuroscience research, which makes it a valuable resource for those who want to understand the science behind anxiety. However, some readers may find the content too technical and may require multiple listens to fully understand the concepts.

Overall, Unwinding Anxiety is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to overcome anxiety and improve their mental health. We highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for practical tools to manage anxiety.

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This audiobook is a must-have for anyone struggling with anxiety, as it provides a unique and effective approach to relieving anxiety symptoms.


  • Dr. Russell Kennedy, the author and narrator, is a medical professional with extensive experience in treating anxiety disorders.
  • The audiobook provides a comprehensive understanding of anxiety and its underlying causes, as well as practical strategies for managing anxiety symptoms.
  • The audiobook is well-structured, with clear and concise explanations of complex concepts.


  • The audiobook is quite long, with a listening length of 14 hours and 24 minutes, which may be challenging for some listeners to complete.
  • Some listeners may find the audiobook's focus on spirituality and quantum healing to be unhelpful or irrelevant.
  • The audiobook's emphasis on the author's personal experiences may not resonate with all listeners.

We highly recommend Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It for anyone struggling with anxiety. Dr. Russell Kennedy's unique approach to anxiety treatment provides valuable insights and practical strategies for managing anxiety symptoms.

In this audiobook, Dr. Kennedy provides a comprehensive understanding of anxiety and its underlying causes, as well as practical strategies for managing anxiety symptoms. He draws on his extensive experience as a medical professional to provide a clear and concise explanation of complex concepts.

One of the standout features of this audiobook is its well-structured approach. Dr. Kennedy breaks down complex concepts into easily digestible pieces, making it easy for listeners to follow along and apply the strategies he presents.

While the audiobook is quite long, with a listening length of 14 hours and 24 minutes, we believe that it is well worth the investment of time. The strategies presented in this audiobook have the potential to transform the lives of those struggling with anxiety.

Overall, we highly recommend Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It for anyone seeking a comprehensive and effective approach to managing anxiety symptoms.

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If you're looking for a practical guide to help teenage girls manage their anxiety, then The Teen Girl's Anxiety Survival Guide is an excellent choice.


  • Provides practical tips and strategies for managing anxiety
  • Written in an engaging and relatable style
  • Offers real-life stories and examples to illustrate key points


  • Some readers may find the content too basic
  • The book is primarily geared towards teenage girls
  • The focus is on anxiety and not other mental health issues

The book is well-organized and covers a wide range of anxiety-related topics, including mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. The authors use clear and concise language to explain complex concepts, and the inclusion of real-life stories and examples helps to make the content more relatable.

One of the strengths of this book is its focus on empowering teenage girls to take control of their anxiety. The authors emphasize the importance of self-care and provide practical tips for managing anxiety in a variety of situations. The book also includes a section on how to talk to parents and other adults about anxiety, which can be helpful for teenagers who are struggling to communicate their feelings.

Overall, we highly recommend The Teen Girl's Anxiety Survival Guide for anyone looking for a practical and engaging guide to managing anxiety. Whether you're a teenager struggling with anxiety or a parent looking for ways to support your child, this book is an excellent resource.

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If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to help you overcome anxiety, then this book is definitely worth considering.


  • The authors of this book have first-hand experience with anxiety and share their insights in a relatable and practical manner.
  • The book is easy to read and understand, making it accessible to those who may not have a background in mental health.
  • The coping mechanisms provided in the book are powerful and effective.


  • Some readers may find that the book focuses too heavily on panic attacks and not enough on other forms of anxiety.
  • The book may not be as helpful for those with severe anxiety disorders who require more intensive treatment.
  • The book may feel repetitive at times.

This book does an excellent job of breaking down anxiety and providing actionable steps to help you overcome it. The authors' personal experiences with anxiety make the book relatable and engaging. The coping mechanisms provided are powerful and effective. Overall, we highly recommend this book to anyone struggling with anxiety.

In the first few chapters, the book provides a thorough understanding of anxiety and how it affects the body and mind. The authors then delve into various coping mechanisms, including mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and exposure therapy. The book also includes helpful exercises and worksheets to help you apply these techniques to your own life.

Overall, Untangle Your Anxiety is an excellent resource for anyone struggling with anxiety. It provides practical advice and effective coping mechanisms that can help you overcome anxiety and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

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If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to understanding and overcoming anxiety, then The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response is definitely worth considering.


  • Provides practical and actionable advice for managing anxiety
  • Covers a wide range of factors that can contribute to anxiety, including diet, lifestyle, and technology
  • Written by a qualified medical professional with extensive experience in mental health


  • Some readers may find the information to be repetitive or overly simplistic
  • The book may not be suitable for those looking for a quick fix or miracle cure for anxiety
  • Some readers may find the author's writing style to be dry or clinical

In our experience, The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response is a well-researched and informative guide to managing anxiety. The book covers a wide range of factors that can contribute to anxiety, including diet, lifestyle, and technology, and provides practical and actionable advice for managing these factors.

That being said, some readers may find the information to be repetitive or overly simplistic, and the book may not be suitable for those looking for a quick fix or miracle cure for anxiety. Additionally, some readers may find the author's writing style to be dry or clinical.

Overall, we would recommend The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body's Fear Response to anyone looking for a comprehensive guide to managing anxiety. While it may not be perfect for everyone, it provides a wealth of information and practical advice that can be helpful for anyone struggling with anxiety.

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If you're looking for a book to help you deal with anxiety, The Answer to Anxiety: How to Break Free from the Tyranny of Anxious Thoughts and Worry by Joyce Meyer is a great choice.


  • Provides sound godly advice backed up with scripture
  • Flowing and beautiful writing
  • Packed with helpful scripture and wisdom


  • Shorter than expected
  • May not be suitable for non-religious readers
  • Some readers may find it repetitive

The book is fairly short but packed with helpful scripture and wisdom. The writing is flowing and beautiful, making it easy to read and understand. Joyce Meyer provides sound godly advice backed up with scripture, making it a great choice for religious readers. However, non-religious readers may not find it suitable.

The Answer to Anxiety: How to Break Free from the Tyranny of Anxious Thoughts and Worry is a great resource for anyone struggling with anxiety. It helps readers to understand and deal with anxious thoughts and worry. The book is a reminder that God is always with us and we can overcome anxiety with His help.

Overall, we highly recommend The Answer to Anxiety: How to Break Free from the Tyranny of Anxious Thoughts and Worry for anyone looking for a faith-based approach to dealing with anxiety.

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If you're looking for a quick and easy read to help with anxiety and depression, Self-Talk for Stress, Anxiety and Depression by Shad Helmstetter is worth considering.


  • The book is a quick read, with only 94 pages, making it easy to fit into a busy schedule.
  • The author provides practical advice and tips for changing negative self-talk patterns.
  • The book is affordable, making it accessible to those on a budget.


  • Some readers may find the content too simplistic or repetitive.
  • The book does not address more severe cases of anxiety or depression.
  • The author's writing style may not resonate with all readers.

In this book, Helmstetter offers guidance on how to recognize negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations. He provides examples of common negative self-talk patterns and offers strategies for reframing them in a more positive light. The book also includes exercises and worksheets to help readers practice these skills.

While some readers may find the content too simplistic or repetitive, the book's brevity and practical advice make it a good option for those looking for a quick and easy read. However, it's important to note that the book does not address more severe cases of anxiety or depression and may not be a substitute for professional help.

Overall, we recommend Self-Talk for Stress, Anxiety and Depression for those looking for a practical and affordable resource to help with anxiety and depression.

Buying Guide

When looking for the best books for anxiety, there are a few key features to consider. Here are some factors to keep in mind when making your selection:


The content of the book should be the first thing you consider. Look for books that offer practical advice on how to manage anxiety, as well as information on the causes and symptoms of anxiety. It's also important to consider the tone of the book. Some books may be more clinical in nature, while others may be more personal and relatable. Consider what type of tone will be most helpful for you.


Consider the author of the book. Look for books written by mental health professionals or individuals with personal experience with anxiety. It's also important to consider the author's credentials and expertise in the field.


Consider the format of the book. Some books may be more workbook-style, with exercises and activities to help manage anxiety. Others may be more narrative in nature, telling personal stories of anxiety and recovery. Consider what format will be most helpful for you.


Read reviews of the book before making your purchase. Look for reviews from individuals who have experience with anxiety and have found the book helpful. Consider both positive and negative reviews to get a well-rounded understanding of the book.


Finally, consider the price of the book. While it's important to invest in resources to manage anxiety, it's also important to consider your budget. Look for books that fit within your budget, while still offering valuable information and resources.

By considering these factors, you can find the best book for your needs and begin your journey towards managing anxiety.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top recommended workbooks for managing anxiety?

Some of the top recommended workbooks for managing anxiety are "The Anxiety and Worry Workbook" by David A. Clark and Aaron T. Beck, "The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety" by John P. Forsyth and Georg H. Eifert, and "The Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens" by Jennifer Shannon.

Which books are particularly good for people in their 20s struggling with anxiety?

For people in their 20s struggling with anxiety, some good books to consider are "The 5-Minute Anxiety Relief Journal" by Lauren Cook, "The Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens" by Jennifer Shannon, and "The Anxiety Survival Guide for Women" by Judith Belmont.

Can you suggest literature that addresses both anxiety and depression?

Yes, some literature that addresses both anxiety and depression are "The Anxiety and Depression Workbook" by Michael A. Tompkins and Katherine Martinez, "The Mindful Way through Anxiety" by Susan M. Orsillo and Lizabeth Roemer, and "The Feeling Good Handbook" by David D. Burns.

What are some effective books for coping with anxiety in young adults?

Some effective books for coping with anxiety in young adults are "The Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens" by Jennifer Shannon, "The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens" by Gina M. Biegel, and "The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety" by John P. Forsyth and Georg H. Eifert.

Where can I find anxiety self-help books in PDF format?

You can find anxiety self-help books in PDF format on websites such as Amazon, Google Books, and Barnes & Noble. You can also check out websites that offer free PDF downloads, such as and PDF Drive.

Are there any books that specifically help with anxiety caused by overthinking?

Yes, some books that specifically help with anxiety caused by overthinking are "The Worry Trick" by David A. Carbonell, "Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies" by Charles H. Elliott and Laura L. Smith, and "The Mindful Path through Worry and Rumination" by Sameet M. Kumar.

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